Dexion is fully committed to minimising the environmental impact of all its operations.
By adopting sustainable practices and striving to continuously improve the impact we have on the environment, our efforts are rewarded with the ISO 14001 environmental management accreditation.
We believe that taking a sustainable approach has a positive impact on our performance and improves profitability by achieving a lower cost base, better stakeholder relations and greater innovation.
We ensure our workforce is aware of the affects of their actions on the environment and require each employee to act in an environmentally responsible manner. They are asked to contribute to the sustainability of the Company by using energy, water and raw materials more efficiently, thus optimising our use of natural resources.
Our decision to achieve the international management standard ISO14001 demonstrates our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint. This accreditation provides a clear and effective framework for managing compliance and identifying further opportunities for improvement.
Our core products are predominantly made from steel, one of the world’s most recycled raw materials, however during manufacturing processes some waste is inevitably generated. As such we ensure that waste material is returned for reprocessing and all by-products are recycled, where possible.
Dexion’s Environmental Policy is constantly evolving as we look for new and innovative ways to work more efficiently and in harmony with the environment.