We want to let you know that under the new restrictions Storage Systems Limited is deemed an ‘Essential Business’ and will be open for business as usual.
Storage Systems Limited want to reassure you that we are taking action to prioritise our staff, their families, our community and ensure we continue to operate normally for our customers.
At Storage Systems Limited the health and safety of our employees, our customers and our partners is always our top priority. We are continuing to adapt, following the guidelines issued by the government and HSE in order to help everyone to keep as safe as possible.protecting our employees in the workplace, following hygiene protocols including regular hand washing, sanitising work areas and social distancing.
We will do everything we can to help you now and, in the future, to get through this extremely difficult time. We appreciate your loyal support, and we look forward to returning to normal business practise once this pandemic is over!! . .
Thank you for working with Storage Systems Limited and we remain as committed as ever to ensuring your success. We wish you, your colleagues and families the very best during these challenging times.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.